Picture 1: Planning of flight procedures, eg routes, etc.
The new project is a long-term intention of the Czech Army to completely modernize and certify the workplace of the Military Aviation Information Service (VLIS). The workplace is able to collect and distribute updated information necessary for the air traffic of the Czech Armed Forces, but now it will manage the entire so-called “change service”. The change service will be newly clearly defined and will be on a single SW platform, from the submission of a proposal for change, eg by the airport, through the approval of the change, to the change itself and electronic and paper form distribution to all concerned authorities (eg Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP)). The requirements for the quality of aeronautical data are set out in Commission Regulation (EU) No 73/2010 on the quality of aeronautical data and aeronautical information for the European sky. As part of the VLIS modernization, a software will be newly introduced for updating flight procedures, eg for approaching and landing at the airport, for which two Czech Army professionals were trained within the project. In addition, VLIS prints and distributes large-format aerial maps and must have close cooperation with its civilian counterpart. Military Technical Institute supplies the entire system with the help of its subcontractors: SW solutions (database management, workflow, AIP editing, etc.), servers, workstations, large format printers, etc. The system is set up to implement the so-called digital NOTAM in the future. The completion date of the VLIS project is tied to the start of construction in the RADARCENTRUM project, the VLIS could be completed in 2021.

Picture 2: Scheme (workflow) of changes approval in the AIP aeronautical publication