We are The Military Technical Institute

The Military Technical Institute is a state enterprise established by the Ministry of Defense of the Czech Republic on September 1st, 2012. Through its activities, the institute maintains and further develops the Czech Republic’s strategic know-how in the area of defence and security research and development of armament, ammunition, ground vehicles, unmanned aerial vehicles, aircraft on-board equipment, radiotechnical equipment and aerodrome support equipment, simulators, communication systems and associated testing, verification and certification procedures. The institute implements projects for both domestic and foreign customers. The Military Technical Institute plays an exceptional role in the security and safety environment.  It is one of the largest institutes engaged in defense and security research and development in the European Union.


VTÚ nabídlo spolupráci inovativním startupům


Ředitel Vojenského technického ústavu, s.p. Jiří Kašpárek se zúčastnil neformálního networkingu „Velvet Innovation Meetup“ na střeše administrativní budovy BVV v Brně. Zástupci odprezentovali desítku startupů, projektů a iniciativ. VTÚ jim nabídl…

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The Military
Technical Institute

The Military Technical Institute is a state enterprise established by the Ministry of Defence of the Czech Republic in order to provide strategic deliveries and services needed to guarantee Czech Republic’s defence and security, as well as to fulfil its obligations associated with Czech Republic’s NATO and EU memberships.

Three branches are focused on research, development and testing in their respective fields of work.